

In addition to our work days, some of the volunteers hold a committee meeting every few weeks to co-ordinate our activities. Governance involves discussing matters of concern and planning future events. Above all, we are ensuring that we are working towards our aims. In particular, the management plan for the site.

In addition, to our regular meetings, once per year we hold an AGM. We invite all our members to attend. At the AGM we summarise our achievements over the past year. Furthermore, we plan what we will do in the coming months and discuss our business plan.

We appreciate input from members and they can vote on any big decisions that we make. Minutes and reports from meetings are uploaded to the link below.


Friends of Rede Common is a registered charity.

The objects of the CIO are:

  1. To promote and to educate for the public benefit, Rede Common Nature Reserve as a greenspace in Medway.
  2. To provide a well-managed habitat for wildlife on the common.

You can find out more about us and our governance on the Charity Commissions website. Click the link below to look us up. Also if you would like to know anything specific that we have not already covered please feel free to contact us.

Charity no. 1187332